Chief Red Iron
Chief Red Iron project
Vision: An ambitious, yet realistic goal has been set by Matthew to create a monument dedicated in remembrance of the role that Chief Red Iron had in the release of captive settlers at Camp Release.
Location: The monument would be placed at an appropriate location in the Montevideo, Minnesota area. Discussions are currently underway to secure the site.
Budget: $68,000 expense for the finished bronze sculpture. Additional funds for site installation will be required.
Progress: An initial $2,500 has been raised to begin formal planning for this project. Now past $3,850!
Donate: Direct to Matt at his PayPal account (go to PayPal and make payment to "") or via check (mailed to P.O. Box 191, Pringle, South Dakota 57773).
Pledges: To support this project, please consider a pledge using the form below.
Partners: Many partner organizations are lining up to support this project. As they are formally confirmed, they will be listed here.
Timeline: Depending on fundraising and site location, this project is goaled for completion in 2023. There are four milestone points in the project:
1) Kick-off
2) Sculpture created in clay
3) Smaller maquette statue produced in bronze
4) Full monument sized casting in bronze
Contact: Reach out to Olaf Minge,, 612-382-6518 for more information, to offer assistance or to be added to the contact list to receive updates on this special project. Olaf is donating his time and funds to this project.