
I have recently started over and moved to a quiet semi remote location, tucke away in the Black Hills where I am only a good steward of the land and that this is not my home. This is where I am currently building a small studio where I can concentrate on sculpting, painting, carving and writing children's books. My first titled Our Mothers is a bilingual Lakota and English book that is being collaborated on with Karen White Butterfly; one of the leading first language speakers.

I reside for now in a small historical cowboy wall tent and Lakota tipi. I am thankful for the plentiful gift of vision, skill and talent I received from God.

My ambitions include hosting a Wachipi Pow-Wow annually after things are "built up" a bit. I work the land with my younger son building fencing for the horses, corrals and prepping the area for my future studio site.

In the new studio I look forward to creating monument pieces. With all the political salted to the Parade of Presidents and trail of Governors in Rapid City and Pierre, South Dakota my hope is to balance things out. This would bring real history and culture from the people that were here first, with elegance and mobility.

I've been at this for an awfully long time. It's been an arduous path. A maverick out on his own. I'm missing patrons or sponsors to memorialize the culture and heritage of the first people, to inspire the youth of today to adhere to their elegant language and stir a renaissance, a strong cultural movement.